Vision and Value Alignment
Bringing vision and values to life
“We are limited not by our abilities but by our vision.” – Anonymous
Vision and the passion for its creation drives all entrepreneurs. Values are the beliefs that guide decision making and act as a rudder as family and business navigate their way to realisingof that vision.
In our experience of family business, conflict arises when vision and values are misaligned. When we embark on a process of inquiry to re-discover our vision and identify its supporting values, we are always able to clear the deck and reset.
What is the vision?
Sometimes the founder has a clear vision, but it is not communicated or shared. If the vision is articulated and brought to life, its power, passion and purpose can be multiplied.
What are the values?
Founders, family members and employees will all individually ascribe to a range of values – some voiced, some implied. For alignment to take place, it is important to air all values and find the ones that resonate with all parties. You don’t have to agree on all your values, just identify those everyone is comfortable with. These values will give you a collective filter for decision making.
With an alignment of vision and values, the business and all its members are empowered to work dynamically and creatively, effortlessly adapting to change. We can help the family clarify and verbalise both to ensure full engagement and success for all members of the business.