Preparing the Next Generation

Build a sustainable family business

Coaching and equipping your successors

Sustainability in family business is often viewed as being able to pass something valuable on to your children. But it they are to pass it on to their children, they need to have the skills to manage and develop it further.

The motivations that attract next generation family members into a business are often quite different from the incentives that drove the founding family members to establish it. These differing expectations may cause tensions as younger members start moving up the ranks.

These clashes can result in emotional turmoil, particularly when significant events take place, like a changing of the guard. Founding members preparing to let go may find it difficult to make way for new concepts and methods.

That’s why families can benefit from the guidance of experienced, objective consultants to help them navigate such transformations and ready younger members for increased responsibility.

We have tailored programmes to educate and upskill your successors, so they will step into your shoes with the confidence to assume their new obligations.

Get the advice you need to start, run or grow your business.

Proactivity points the way ahead

For your business to thrive into the future, your family must take the initiative in equipping the next generation with the necessary knowledge, proficiencies and grounding. Your leaders of tomorrow need to understand the business’s function and culture, its place within the wider industry, its policies and strategies and its instruments of governance. They need to be given leadership tools such as effective communication and conflict resolution. They must be encouraged to develop entrepreneurial talents and explore their personal growth.

As a foundation measure, we will guide your businesses in setting solid groundwork for management change and development. We can advise you on best-practice employment policies, job descriptions and responsibilities, and performance management systems.

Then, as you turn you gaze to the future, we’ll support you in grooming your successors, so they are willing and able to steer the business into the coming decades and build on your legacy.