Board Development and Search

Implementing governance to match your company’s needs

The importance of appropriate governance structures to manage your family and business cannot be overemphasised. Over and above their operational benefits, governance structures are designed to minimise disputes and provide channels for resolving discord.

While the need for governance is universal, its shape and form must be tailored to each family business – a ‘one size fits all’ approach is rarely the answer.

This is where we come in. Our role is to assist your family and business in establishing governance systems that are just the right fit. We evaluate what you have in place and suggest adjustments and changes. We will guide you in setting up a family council or board, to diplomatically navigate the often-sensitive parameters between family and business.

Preparing for dual roles

Heads of family business are often ill-prepared for governance functions or board positions.

They lack the formal training, and are not always able to step out of their family roles to play director or manager.

Once again, we fill an educational role and provide guidelines to ensure that all family members with governance responsibilities manage both their family and business roles to their full ability.

We will help you increase the efficacy of your board, develop directors’ skills, and manage diverse viewpoints to the betterment of family and business.

Get the advice you need to start, run or grow your business.